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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Without my computer for a week

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I realized how much I work on my laptop because of the amount I spend at Peet's coffee where I work on most of my work stuff, but you don't realize how much of this is filled when you don't have that.

The screen on my MacBook Pro decided to go on the fritz the week before Thanksgiving, and I always use it to get loads of stuff done before the usual Thanksgiving dinner with the family. But this year I had to find something else to do. And it wasn't just that day either. Thanks to the long weekend, I had to lose my metaphorical right arm for an entire week. It was great in the sense that I had to stop working and actually hung out with friends who were in town without me thinking constantly about getting back to work or being productive. Instead, I tried to enjoy my weekend and enjoy my friends without my mind somewhere else.

But now I have my computer back, and I found some other tools to work more as well, and I also found some focus since I had to let up for an entire week.

So the major tool was iTunes U which is the free university side of iTunes that can be streamed or downloaded straight to your iPhone. Since none of my other podcasts were able to be synced with my phone through my laptop, this was a great way to fill some of my mindless work time while I listened to the Cambridge University Entrepreneurial podcasts and lectures. These were not only interesting and informative, but also a bit inspiring and motivational.

See if some of those can motivate and inspire you as well. I now have quite a bit more to think about for my window cleaning company. More to come.